WW1 Centenary

Great War Centenary 2014-2018 website by Paul Reed

New WW1 Centenary Website


Well here it is – a new WW1 Centenary website to partner my existing site – Great War Photos. I had started to post some news and current articles on there rather than just WW1 images and felt it was getting a bit cross-polluted, so this site will be here to post news about development on the WW1 battlefields; not just in Belgium and France but much further afield. There will be articles on WW1 museums, WW1 battlefield sites and photos from visits to sites along the Old Front Line.

I will also be posting details of upcoming centenary events and special centenary Battlefield Tours I am planning with Leger Battlefields.

Many people are homing in on the centenary period for all sorts of reasons, but my own, which I know I share with many friends on Twitter, is to spread information and understanding.

The years 2014-2018 will be a period to reflect and remember; not just the dead, but the forgotten survivors as well, and not just the British Tommy; but men from all sides and nations. We need to end the commemoration in 2018 with a feeling that something lasting has been achieved. Here is to that day.

Author: ww1centenary

Military Historian & author who works in Television: visiting & interpreting battlefields all over the world. Currently working on WW1 projects for 2014-18.

8 thoughts on “New WW1 Centenary Website

  1. Excellent… looking forward to watching this develop and grow.

  2. Thanks a ton for using time to create “New WW1 Centenary Website WW1 Centenary”.
    Thanks for a second time ,Angelica

  3. Excellent! We all are waiting for 2014 as a time of respect, remembrance and the valour of History Today. Congratulations.

  4. This looks great! Thanks!

  5. Looks excellent. I visited Le Quesnoy and Nord/Ypres last September (from NZ). Is there a RSS feed for all comments?

  6. Good Luck Paul. Hope all goes well with this, and your many other ventures. Will be following this with great interest.

  7. Great informative site,!

  8. Great site, hoping to learn a great deal about the Great War, and being able to distinguish between fact and fiction. Keep up the good work!

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